Today we started soap flushes on a number of our fairways and found some pretty high numbers of Annual Bluegrass Weevil (ABW). By mixing a 5 gallon bucket with water and Dawn Dish Detergent, we pour the solution on a 3'x3' plot and work the soapy water into the canopy of the fairway. Any insects present will come to the surface because the solution irritates their skin. This gives us the opportunity to count population numbers. If I count 8 or more weevils in one area, I'm pulling the trigger on a control measure. Less than that, I'll continue to monitor the numbers and see if they rise or decline. This insect, if left untreated, can do a substantial amount of damage. The first generation adults are active this time of year as they emerge from their overwintering sites and look for food- which is grass, specifically Poa annua. Tomorrow morning, Harold will be making an insecticide application to several fairway "hot spots." We use insecticides as little as possible and therefore rely on scouting fairways as a means to only apply them when they are needed.
Above is a close up of and ABW.
Greens are filling in nicely and we are mowing daily at a height of cut of .140" By May 1, I fully expect to be at our summer height of .125" with daily double cutting and rolling (4x per week).