Friday, April 26, 2019

Broadleaf Weeds

Every spring, we battle broadleaf weeds. Many of these are summer annuals and therefore germinate in the spring and if left untreated, die come the first heavy frost in October.   A prime example of a broadleaf weed is a dandelion or clover. Above, you can see Mouse-Ear Chickweed growing in the rough on #9.  The only way to control these weeds is by using selective herbicides that kill weeds but leave the turf untouched. Grassy weeds on the other hand, are treated preventatively using pre-emergent chemistries.  Each spring, our fertilizer application is impregnated with Pendamethalin, a crabgrass and goose grass pre-emergent.  In order to keep the broadleaf weeds under control, you’ll see some of our team members walking the fairways and roughs wearing backpack sprayers.  It’s tedious work, but I think Highlands CC is cleaner than most when it comes to broadleaf weeds.