Wednesday, March 13, 2019

More from Wednesday...

The guys installed 9,000ft2 of sod today!

Above, the course is coming around nicely.  Jerry is mowing roughs which is really giving it a cleaner look!

These two photos above show you what the greens look like following verticutting.  Next week, we will be applying an 18-9-18 fertilizer the get the growing.  In addition to that, we will also apply an 0-0-50 potassium fertilizer, ProMag 36 (magnesium supplement) and Calcitic Lime (calcium supplement).

Matthew did a great job staining the Bob Jones Bridge!  What a difference 7 gallons of stain makes!

Above, White Tail Deer prints make their way up the 11th fairway...And you thought metal spikes were bad?

There is no shortage of mulch to spread around the Clubhouse.  Once we get the bigger jobs out of the way (like greens aerification) we'll be able to reprioritize