Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Hudson House Update

The tall ladder is sitting on the front right corner of #10 Jones tee.  You can get a feel for how much closer the building is to the tee.  You can also see how the old asphalt path was dropped about 18" to allow for a flat grade entering the building.  In the next few weeks, we'll be building an small attractive rock wall along here prior to asphalting.

We will be continuing to cut the grade around the front of the tee so water can't be trapped towards the building.  This is a significant amount of earth moving we'll be doing using my staff.  In addition, we will have to remove and reinstall all of the irrigation in and around the 10th tee complex.  The current irrigation pipe is 2-3 feet deep and the grade is being cut lower than that in areas. 

While this sounds like a lot of work, it will really enhance the Hudson House landscape and help give it the feel that it's always been there.  These are fun projects to do as's not everyday we do these kinds of things!