Monday, January 07, 2019

Aerifying #2 and #16 Greens

Given the unseasonably warm day we are having (~50F), we elected to aerify the 2nd and 16th greens.  After they are topdressed tomorrow, we will be covering them for the remainder of the winter.  The covers do a nice job of keeping the the turf under about 10-15 degrees warmer than outside.  It acts by way of the greenhouse effect and on warmer days, it is possible to achieve turf growth under the cover.  Come springtime, a green that is covered is usually 3 weeks ahead of one that doesn't get covered.  The negative part of covers is simply keeping them on.  Wind is common in Highlands during the winter and keeping the covers secure is a major challenge at times.

Above: the Team manually fills aerification holes with sand.