Monday, December 17, 2018

Snow Melt

After nearly 2" of rain this past weekend, most of the snow is gone apart from large piles.  It's great to be back out on the golf course!  Cabin Fever sets in after a couple days of staying inside.  We are getting the remainder of topdressing sand out in some areas.  After the New Year, we will be ordering approximately 300 tons of sand to spread on our fairways.  

Below, if you look closely you can see the "widow maker" hanging from this tree in front of the Clubhouse.  After the snow and ice storm, we are seeing several limbs that are broken but still attached to the tree.  We're making a list and will have a tree climber come and remove them in the next few weeks.  Today, a lot of time is being spent picking up large limbs that fell during the storm.  Our chipper is out in full force working its way around the campus.