Wednesday, November 21, 2018


The lightning alarm is back up and functioning after being sent off to be tested and refurbished.  This is done every 3 years per the recommendation of the manufacturer.  The company is based out of Tuscon, AZ and is pretty much a "one man show."  The gentlemen who designed the system is also the person who sells, markets and repairs them.  There are essentially two lightning detection systems on the market and both work differently.  Our system works by detecting actual lightning strikes where as their competitor's model measures the build up of static electricity in the air.  Both of these guys are incredibly intelligent in terms of the science and business.  I will say, it's just amazing to me that this little box that measures about 10" x 10" square and sits on the roof of the clubhouse, can detect lightning strikes within a 20 mile radius of the club.

This morning, an unfortunate driver lost control of their vehicle on Dillard Road across from the administration building, hit two large concrete property markers and then crashed into a cluster of rhododendron and a tree just before the Ferguson property above the tenth hole.  Police, firetrucks and others raced to the scene but the driver was fine.  It was an odd occurrence for a Wednesday morning in Highlands!  The driver, who I estimate to be in her 50's or early 60's claimed she had no idea what happened.