Monday, October 01, 2018

Verticutting Greens and the Week Ahead

In an effort to increase our green speed, we will be verticutting greens this afternoon and again in the morning.  Tomorrow afternoon, we'll follow that up with a light sand topdressing.  I'm hopeful that the weather will turn for the better allowing for some full sun and drying conditions.  With the damp past week, mowing has been a challenge on tees, fairways and roughs.  We are doing the best we can to get caught up in these areas.  Intermediate rough, for example, is being double cut today; once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  Looking at the forecast, it looks like it will be a great week!  On our sun challenged greens, we are backing off them and mowing them with a separate mower that has a solid front roller that leads to a less aggressive cut compared to grooved rollers on our everyday greensmowers.  I'm also working on a plan to get Arborcom (the outfit that does shade studies that I talked about several times in the past) here in late November.  My hope is we could get some solid answers this year and make some improvements this winter.