Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Bobby Jones Bridge

One of our winter projects is replacing the flooring and railings on the Jones Bridge on hole #13.  As you know if you've ever tried to cross this bridge, it is very slick because of the wood being so weathered.  However, it is such an interesting and unique piece of Highlands CC history that we want to preserve.  I had the bridge inspected this season by a local architect who deemed the bridge to have solid bones.  It is a safe structure but needs new decking boards.  We will be rebuilding the bridge in the same fashion you see today and once the treated lumber dries, we will apply a stain finish to it.  In the meantime, we a cutting back the vegetation that is encroaching on the bridge to allow us more room to work once the demo starts.  We'll be completing this project using our own in-house labor.  This is one of those projects that is always fun to work on and I'm proud we have the ability and talent to do the work in-house.