Friday, September 28, 2018

The Next Few Days...

It is great to finally see the sun peeking through the clouds.  What would be great is if the clouds lifted to full sun and we even could get a nice breeze to dry the course out.  Please be patient with the golf course as we get it back in shape following the rain this week.  I made the decision to not allow mowers on the course today rather, allow it to dry.  We don't want to be our worst enemy and create damage- short or long term- by trying to mow when it's too wet.  We plan to let the course dry out this weekend and pick up Monday on fairway mowing.  Next week, we plan to get back to our double cutting program as well as some aggressive verticutting to get the green speed back up.  We are mowing roughs where it is possible and of course, mowing greens.  Thank you for your understanding!