As you may know, we have a couple warning sirens on the golf course that are not sounding during times of lightning. I have Toro working on this and they will be sending a technician to Highlands next week to troubleshoot the issue. From a troubleshooting perspective, there is a green/red light on the siren box on the golf course. As long as those lights are flashing green, the system is communicating as it should. That's what club staff looks for each day during course set up. Why the sirens are not sounding is a mystery to me and that's what I will figure out in the next few days. In the meantime, please use common sense on the golf course and exit the course if you hear thunder in the area.
Remember, our lightening detection system will alert you if lightening is within a 5 mile radius of the golf course. Once a 30 minute period of no lightening passes, the all clear signal will sound. If lightning is detected after the initial alert, the system will reset to a 30 minute countdown again. Our system is operational between 8:00am and 8:00pm.