Wednesday, May 16, 2018

HCC and Rounds 4 Research

GCSAA’s Environmental Institute for Golf

This year’s Rounds 4 Research (R4R) auction was a tremendous success! The Carolinas alone raised $60,000 that will be used for Turfgrass research at NC State and Clemson Universities.  For the last 5 years, HCC has supported this cause thanks to a generous membership who understand and see the big picture.  This year, the Highlands CC foursome was auctioned off and sold for $1,000!  Of the 284 courses who donated rounds in North and South Carolina, this particular sale total was in the top ten most expensive rounds sold.  From a fundraising perspective, this is awesome and I am proud that the HCC membership is so generous. 

This program has a lot of potential to grow.  As I mentioned, 284 facilities donated a foursome in NC and SC.  However, there is an estimated total of 900 facilities in the Carolinas, meaning 32% of clubs/courses participated. This could potentially generate well over $100,000 annually in our region alone if we build on participation. With State budgets constantly being squeezed, universities are seeing dramatic cuts to their budgets which eliminates research and raises tuition.