Thursday, March 29, 2018


We are using the excavator to "till" a few of the wildflower areas on the golf course.  In the next 2 weeks, we will be hydroseeding these areas with more seed.  Wildflower areas require more maintenance than one might expect.  They are slow to establish and the first 2 years tend to be the prettiest and showiest for the areas.  The reason for that is simple.  The mix we purchase is a blend of about 20-30 different species of annuals and perennials.  Once the mix is established, one species will usually out perform the others depending on the environment and other factors.  In most cases, it is one of the perennials.  After about 3-4 years, these areas become more of a mono-stand of one particular perennial and it takes away from the beauty of the mix that we experienced a year or two prior.  Therefore, each fall, we will go in these areas and thin out any dominant species and then prep the soil for seeding in spring.  We'll seed with the original mix so we can enjoy the annuals and other plants as we first did.