Total rainfall for Sunday was 8.5" total.
We did have some minor limbs and sticks down but fortunately nothing major. In addition to cleaning up the golf course, we are starting on the repair of the 6th fairway. The pipe repair has been made. The next step is collapsing all of the cavitating, removing the sod and then packing new soil in the ditch. We are going to install a gravel blanket as well before soil goes in the ditch. By the end of the week, we are expecting a truck load of sod to repair the fairway and rough that was impacted by this. In addition, it is my hope that the parts arrived to repair the break on #11 as well this week. The part in question is one that isn't used anymore, so it had to be ordered direct from the factory. In new irrigation systems, rarely would someone put a service tee and irrigation head directly on the main line.