Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Huge Party at HCC!

A massive celebration took place at the Club last night- one you probably didn't get an invitation to.  When the dumpster doors are left open over night, this is what we come into each morning and it requires about 10-15 minutes of our time to clean it up.  The dumpster doors are heavy for good reason which leads to members setting their trash bag on top of the dumpster.  If you drop off trash behind the maintenance building, please take the time to properly dispose of your trash.  When staff cleans the mess up each morning, it's easy to figure out who leaves their trash outside the dumpster because your mail and other trash is thrown everywhere.
The seasonal bear situation is only now starting as black bears are preparing for the winter.  A bear will consume on average 4,000 calories a day during the summer.  However, this time of year, they consume as much as 20,000 calories a day in order to pack on some extra pounds leading into winter.  Acorns are also now just starting to fall, which becomes a popular food source for bears.  Be smart with how you dispose of your trash so it doesn't become someone else's problem.