This winter, I was planning to add a stone curb to define these gravel cart paths, specifically on #7 and #15. After more thought, we are going to edge them as they currently sit and cut them down to re-grade the paths and top them off with new river rock stone. This may look nicer and eliminate the need for a curb. These paths are necessary for members who access the course from their homes with private golf carts. In addition, they serve as a way to get heavy equipment onto the course in the winter.
We've been continuously studying the sight lines down Highway 106 from various points on the HCC campus. We lowered some Rhododendron today to help visibility from Hudson Road. We have addressed a few issues this year at the Hudson House, Hudson Road and both Cobb Road entrances/exits. If there is something we are missing, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will take a look at it asap. Your safety is critical.