Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Last night, we received another 1" of rain.  This was good to get the sand worked into the greens, but of course, we don't need any more rain.  We are doing everything we can to keep carts on the turf and ask that you pay close attention to signage in wet areas. 
Fairways are being sprayed this morning with a fungicide and fertilizer mixture.  In our climate, fungicides are applied every 14-21 days during the summer depending on the current weather conditions and the fungicide product used.  There are some products that are able to give slightly extended control and we use a rotation of products so fungus can't develop resistance to any one product.  That phenomenon is very common in the industry and fungicide rotation is critical to mix up the mode of action.
In addition to treating fairways, Jerry is fertilizing all of the roughs on the golf course with a 22-0-7 fertilizer.  This will offer a little green up and help with cart traffic recovery.  It will also help the roughs build some carbohydrate reserves before winter which aids in spring green up.  Despite the rain, we are doing a nice job working around it to get some jobs done.  In the case of the fertilizer, this rain is beneficial to irrigate it into the turf.