DryJect Aeration Scheduled for Tuesday, September 5th!
Tuesday, September the 5th, the tee sheet is blocked off until 10:00am in order for staff to DryJect greens. These types of aeration programs are critical for the long term health of USGA spec greens. While there is never a good time to do this work because of disruption to your golf season, DryJect is performed this time of year as opposed to conventional core-removal aeration because it is far less disruptive and generally heals faster. We save the more disruptive programs for spring time when there is less demand for the course. Although the process is less disruptive, it does take an afternoon for the sand to dry, and be worked into the turf, cleaned up and rolled. We recognize there are those who want to play and enjoy being on the golf course regardless of the greens and therefore we will not close the golf course for the day. Please be aware of this if you play golf on the 5th of September or plan to bring guests the week following Labor Day. Historically, it leads to a few golfers panicking about the greens even though we haven't started the final clean up effort. After a day or two, I always hear members commenting that the aeration didn't impact ball roll much at all. Your patience is appreciated and needed to be sure your putting greens perform well into the future.
Thank you,
Brian J. Stiehler CGCS, MG