Friday, August 11, 2017

More rain! We've received over 4" of rain for this week alone...

The team is doing a great job doing what we can to keep the course in good condition.  When we get this much rain in a short period, it's just difficult.  We have to be very careful to balance playability and not causing the turf to thin due to the lack of sun.  All week, we've back off quite a bit and opted to stick with a higher mowing height on greens.  While this is a very important event each year, we don't want to jeopardize playing conditions for the rest of the year. 

This morning, we are also making a fungicide application that offers preventative control of Pythium Root Rot, a fungal disease that is always a challenge on our greens in times of continuously damp weather.

We will continue to allow cart off of paths except on holes 6, 9 and 11.