Starting mid summer each year, yellow jackets can be very aggressive. They work to build their nests all summer and as the population of yellow jackets begins to peek, more of them are able to protect their home when threatened. Unfortunately, there is no way to preventatively contol yellowjackets from building nests using an insecticide. In addition, the many steep slopes around the golf course make for perfect nesting opportunities in the ground. We do our best to treat the nests as we discover them. I would recommend using extreme caution on sunny, south facing slopes as well as the many fescue beds (tall grasses) on the course. I would recommend this time of year that if you hit your ball into one of these areas, consider dropping another ball rather than searching for the first shot. Walking in these areas is the primary way yellow jacket nests are found and unfortunately, it's after a golfer is stung multiple times. If you do see a nest, please let me know and we will make every effort to treat it immediately. Finally, keep a close eye on pets as well. It always seems dogs, with their heightened sense of smell, are often the first to discover underground wasp nests.