Sunday, July 02, 2017


Last night, the storm that rolled through Highlands gave us another 1/2" of rain.  The cart path situation will remain the same as Saturday with #6, #9 and #11 closed to cart traffic.
Each day this week is showing a 50% chance of afternoon thunderstorms.  Let's hope they hold off a few days, anyway.  Total rainfall data at Highlands CC year to date is 41.3".  According to the Highlands Biological Station, the average rainfall we receive by this time of year is 41.5".  As you can see, its been your average Highlands summer so far.  The HBS has a great website with interesting data and I highly recommend checking it out.  If you click on the weather tab, you can get all kinds of historical data.  Here is that site:

The frequent rain is difficult to keep the green speeds on the high end.  However, a double cut and roll this Sunday morning gas the speed in the 11'7" range.