In the past few days, I've received a couple calls about turf damage in the area, once again caused by wild hogs that are digging for grubs. It is saddening to know this all could have been prevented with one application of an insecticide (Merit, for example) in early June. That's it...a $25 bag would eliminate the chance of this happening. The hogs are digging for grubs. They don't simply dig and hope to find them. Many animals have the ability to hear, smell or sense the presence of white grubs under the surface of the turf.
White grubs are the larval stage of beetles. An adult Japanese Beetle, for example, lays eggs in early June. The eggs hatch in mid to late summer, turning into the damaging stage of the larvae. The insects move within an inch or so of the surface, feeding on turf roots. Other animals like wild hogs, skunks and raccoons dig for the grubs, looking for a meal. The larval stage will overwinter deeper in the soil, turning to the pupa stage and then adult, ready to lay eggs the following June. To control these guys, you need to cut them off at the egg stage. Prevent egg hatch, and you won't have a problem. Again, if you apply Merit Insecticide (there are others but this is the oldest and least expensive) during the first week of June each year in Highlands, you will not deal with this. Period.
If you are paying for a service to maintain your yard, you cannot expect everyone will know this. Timing is everything. If you miss egg hatch by a few weeks, you will get zero control. Consider hiring a professional turfgrass manager who understands entomology and insect life cycles. If someone considers themselves a landscape manager because they have a mower and pickup truck, they are surely wrong. The beauty of your surroundings and landscape are at risk. Spending $5,000-$10,000 to resod the average size yard will cost a lot more than a $25 bag of preventative insecticide. All this because someone thought, "It's just grass."