Staff is splitting all of the firewood that will be used in the Clubhouse this coming season. We've done this for the last 7-8 years. The Clubhouse alone uses about 4 cords of wood per year.
The tree below, a giant white pine, removed by a homeowner adjacent #9, is about 75 years old. This means this tree was planted around 1940-1941. I refer to white pines being planted because it is important to understand, white pines are NOT native specimens to the region. My favorite George Masa photograph at the Highlands Historical Society is one of #5, from the 1930's where you can see where pines were planted between the holes and staked.
The parking lot portion of the Hudson House renovation is underway. Of course, the building renovation will occur next year.
Finally, the only thing lacking on the steps at the croquet complex is a iron railing, which Paul is working on at the present time. For safety reasons, we will move quickly to get the railing in place. It's great having such talented staff to handle the different aspects of these types of projects.