Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Staff is installing a stone walkway to complete the new arbor between the clubhouse and the Villas.
You will start seeing more dying areas like above on the 12th hole.  Over the last few years, the wildflower areas have been very well received.  However, as they continue to evolve, they are becoming infested with more weeds, that in some areas, are becoming a monostand.  On #16, Pennsylvania Smartweed (even the weeds in PA are smart) (that's where I hail from) dominates the area.  In other areas, the orange flowered Jewelweed is dominant. Using a non selective herbicide, we are eliminating sections so that in spring, we can start fresh.  Unfortunately, chemistry like Round Up, only works when the plants are actively growing because it is translocated throughout the entire plant, killing the roots and shoots.  An application of Round Up in winter would do absolutely nothing.  This means we need to take advantage of the time we have this fall.  In a couple weeks, these areas will be mowed and the dead look will fade away.  It will all be worth it!