Saturday, July 16, 2016


Kudos to the staff for the long hours they worked the past several days and delivered pretty darn good conditions given the weather we've had.  Last night we were fortunate to receive 0.35" of rain.  Not too much, but we'll take whatever we can get!  I like how this photo captures the step cuts from green height to rough.
Above, I was greeted by this fella on the irrigation box on #17.  I can't really ID it other than tell you it's pretty ugly.  These are the things nightmares are made of.  Best I can come up with is a Banded Longhorn Beetle.
Above and below, while the staff was off the golf course during the 2nd and 3rd matches, we did a small community service project at Kelsey/Hutchinson Park, leveling stepping stones that make the symbolic X of how Highlands was founded.  You probably heard the story of these two gentlemen drawing a line from Chicago to Savannah and then from New York to New Orleans. The intersection was to become the great economic trade center of the US.  It's comical in my opinion!