Last night, treating for aquatic weeds in Swan lake, I found the bed used by 4 large- and I mean large- bass. They are easily 18" fish!
Paul and Kevin are servicing the Town of Highlands police golf cart for the Police Chief. That means we get to have a little fun with it! Blue lights and all! This Club Car was donated to the Highlands PD about 5 years ago and serves the community well.
After a long spring, we started walkmowing greens this morning at a height of .140" Within 2 weeks, we will be down to .120", our summer height. I am contemplating minor changes to the aerification program that I am presenting to the green committee next week. Below, Selwyn Chalker, owner of Main Street Nursery, is going to be finishing all of the pots and container plantings this week. I think you will agree he does a fantastic job!