With the chemical, PoaCure (new chemistry that can selectively remove Poa annua from creeping bentgrass putting greens) on the horizon, we are participating in PoaCure research and it's experimental use label. On Thursday, Kyung Han with Moghu USA LLC, Dr. Bert McCarty from Clemson University plus one of his graduate students, visited HCC for 2 hours and looked at the experimental plots I have around the club, specifically on holes #3, #7 and #11. I learned yesterday that the best case scenario for a release date is September of 2017, meaning we do need to wait a bit longer.
What does this mean? Well, if the product is released in September of 2017, by the start of the 2019 season, you will be putting on Poa free, 100% bentgrass greens. Yes, this product is that effective!