Monday, December 07, 2015


Today we are experimenting with a new process out on the turf and soil market.  "Turf Dynamics" is the contract company that performs our dryject process and will be here today and tomorrow installing a product called PC Drainage.  The process involves a vibratory plow, that creates troughs of sand.  The trough is back-filled with dry sand for minimal disruption and then followed by a rope that is pulled into the trough.  The rope contains a metal core that will expand and contract to match water flow present.  PC (Passive Capillary) Drainage is a newer product that, based on others experiences, would be applicable to Highlands if we get good results!  The areas we decided would be most beneficial were #7 approach which can be very wet at times, along with #17 lower right side of the approach.  We will continue to watch and see the difference this will make during the season!  The web address to the site for more information is located below!

Below you can see we started to haul gravel into the foundation section of the old Hopkins house.  The back-fill through most of the lower foundation section will be gravel.  This is done to avoid any settling that could potentially occur.  That is why it is so crucial to remove any stumps,