Monday, November 16, 2015

Clubhouse Fireplace

Workers are using a special piece of equipment to pump concrete up under the fireplace on the clubhouse. This concrete further stabilizes the foundation. This is a pretty interesting process.

According to Mr. Crawford, bedrock was 33 feet under the foundation. That is incredible considering the amount of rock in the area. In this case, we wanted to hit rock. I will say, at HCC we are blessed with great topsoil and a minimal amount of rock compared to my fellow superintendents in the area. Specifically, my friend at Cullasaja Club has one of the more difficult jobs on the mountain. The entire golf course is comprised of 10-12" of soil on top of solid rock. This makes everything more difficult.  Irrigating, drainage and any projects are made much more difficult to perform.  In fact, he once joked that it is one of the only courses in the world where you can be hand-watering a wilted area in a fairway while standing in a puddle! When rock is that close the the surface, the consistency of irrigation is sporadic.