Thursday, October 15, 2015

Town of Highlands Scholarship Golf Tournament

Thanks to the generosity of many, but particularly Wildcat Cliffs CC, I raised roughly $20,000 today during the annual Scholarship Golf Tournament.  For the last 5 years, I served as Chairman of this event and the total raised in those 5 years is about $100,000.  This money funds an endowment that gives scholarships to graduates of the Highlands School pursuing a college degree.  Formed in 1975 by Jack Taylor, I am proud to have continued the tradition forward.  Since 1975, we've accumulated about $800,000 in that fund, obviously earning little interest today.  This is the only fund like this of any municipality in North Carolina!  Why?  State laws prohibit municipalities from operating investment type accounts for obvious reasons of losing taxpayer money in risky investments.  However, this particular account was approved in '75.