Sunday, October 11, 2015

Irrigation break

After 3 hours of digging, I wasn't able to find much but lots of rock; most basketball size.  I did find a pretty large cavity in the ground that I can stick my arm into and I hope that is where the pipe broke.  This was impossible to find for 2 reasons.  One, water was coming out of the ground in many places.  Two, the pipe is not where the 1987 irrigation map shows it to be.  I am at a point where hand digging with shovels isn't practical and tomorrow morning will get our trackhoe to the 12th hole and finish this off.  With a little luck, we should have most of the parts on hand to repair this pipe.  My hope was to at least have it uncovered tonight to see what broke so I could place the order at 8am if parts are not stocked, get it Tuesday and have it finished ASAP.  This doesn't impact much but we were planning to make a Pythium Root Rot application tomorrow that needs irrigated immediately following the application.  It will have to wait a few days.