Wednesday, September 03, 2014

#2, #3 and #17 Jones Tees

#2 Jones Tee, #3 Jones Tee and #17 Jones Tee are perennial challenges for us at HCC.  The lack of sunlight, excess moisture and a lot of play create a challenge to keep turf on these 3 specific tees.  I decided to try something different this fall.  We are aerifying these tees with 1/4" tines at a fairly close hole spacing.  I am going to introduce some Poa trivialis (Rough Bluegrass) into the tees.  Poa triv is a grass that thrives in wet areas and also does well in shade.  It is often used to overseed Bermudagrass putting greens in the deep south.  I think is worth a shot in this case.  Worse case scenario is we resod the tees as we plan to do anyway.