Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Behind the Scenes...

It is no secret that golf courses use pesticides and plant regulators to keep the conditions in top shape. Over the years, these chemistries have become much less toxic and much safer.  We employ a series of BMP's (best management practices) in which we use scouting, mapping and historical perspective when making management decisions on applying pesticides.  Mixing, storage and handling is a big piece of environmental safety and specifically where most accidents occur. Did you know,  HCC has a fireproof building and a covered mixing area that provides 100% spill containment in the event of an emergency?  This spill containment also includes gasoline and diesel fuels which are housed in double walled concrete tanks. In addition, our pesticide inventory is registered with the Highlands Fire Department annually. On top of that, we are inspected annually by the NC Dept of Agriculture.  MSDS (material safety data sheets) are located in both the pesicide storage facility and the golf maintenance building. 

This facility was constructed in 2010 and offers 100% spill containment for fuel storage and pesticide storage. Employee safety and environmental awareness are our 2 key priorities in the maintenance dept.