Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#2 Jones Tee

The #2 Jones tee has been a recent topic at a Green Committee meeting.  At this time, enlarging the tee by building a large rock retaining wall does not interest the committee.  Therefore, we decided to take a smarter approach to tee marker placement.  We will occasionally place the Jones tees on the lower tee with the Ross tees.  This will give time for the Jones tee to heal.  Also, we will be tightening the spacing on tee markers when they are on the top. 
This tee is grossly undersized for a par 3 tee box, given the amount of round we do.  In addition, shade and poor air movement add to the challenge.
This morning we aerified this tee and the 17th Jones tee.  Innerseeding, starter fertilizer and water were then added.