Thursday is our traditional day to spray greens. This mixture contains both fertilizers and a fungicide. By spraying weekly, we are able to use much lower rates which is more efficient for the plant and better for the environment. Granular fertilizers are kept to a minimum at HCC. When we apply a granular source of nitrogen, we may apply up to 1 lb of Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Using liquids and lower rates, we apply less than 1/10th of a lb of Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per week. That means the grass absorbs 100% of the nutrients and there is NO runoff or leaching. However, you will always get leaching and some runoff with granular fertilizers. We call this process "spoon feeding" when we give the plant just what it needs at a given time rather than applying large amounts to build up nutrients in the soil.
In fact, homeowners are the #1 polluters when in comes to nutrient leaching. Why? Because uneducated folks can buy a multitude of products and apply them above label rates (because if some is good, more is better) and end up applying them to sidewalks, driveways and roads. Once a rain comes, you know where it ends up. Farmers are also guilty as they apply large amounts of nutrients to barren areas where crops are not yet established. Turf on the other hand is proven to be an excellent water filter due to an extremely dense root system.
I am happy with my decision to be patient on the Hollies on the property. Since warmer weather set in, they have made a great recovery. I almost jumped the gun and replaced them. I have never been known for patience. I am glad I had some self control in this case !
Lots of action on the PG at 6:30am!