Tomorrow we will be venting greens using 1/4" hollow tines. Our program will be as follows:
1. Mow greens
2. Sand topdress greens
3. Aerify the greens using 1/4" tines
4. Clean up plugs
5. Roll greens
6. Apply 0-0-12 fertilizer
7. Water greens for 8 minutes
8. Change pin location for the day.
The greens will remain in an acceptable condition immediately. Within 3 days, you won't be able to tell we did anything. The effects in the root zone are huge. A small amount of organic is removed, oxygen replenished in the root zone and sand incorporated. All of these practices ensure the long term health of your greens.
You may question why we topdress before we aerify. The reason is so we don't have to drive the heavy top dresser across a softened green, creating tire tracks.