Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Clubhouse Firewood

If you have seen the logs behind the shop, you may wonder what they are for. Every fall, the crew will split firewood and stock the clubhouse for the next year. It is amazing how much firewood the clubhouse will use over the course of a season. I would estimate 3-4 cords. A cord is a stack of firewood that is 4feet deep x 4feet tall x 8 feet long. This is a value of over $2,000. A pickup truck will typically hold 1/2 cord. A cord is a very misused term so be careful when you price firewood and make sure you are comparing apples to apples. We have reached the time of year when frost will delay us getting onto the course. Rather than waiting inside, we stay warm and productive! Each fall, I develop a list of what I call, 'frost projects.' This list keeps the staff busy on the coldest mornings. We do not get in the business of providing firewood to members. We simply do not have that kind of time. So what makes the best kind of firewood?? Of course Oak and Maple are the most common species on the course but we do occasionally get a Hickory, Locust or Cherry. Pine is not good to burn in a fireplace because of the amount of creosote in the wood. Poplar and Hemlock actually do make for firewood but burn quickly. For club purposes, we simply stick to hardwoods. All of this material comes from the property making this a very sustainable practice.