Saturday, May 12, 2012


One of our biggest best problems on a number on our fairways are Earthworms. They burrow in the soil and leave castings at the surface. Earthworms are extremely beneficial organisms because the are continually aerating the soil with their tunnels and also adding organic matter to the soil via their castings. However, those same castings can essentially make a fairway unplayable. There is no product labeled for earthworm control because it is illegal to kill them. Fortunately we are spraying our grub control on June 1st. This chemical, known as Arena, offers some knockdown control of earthworms. It does not kill them, it simply deters them from living in that particular area. Also, topdressing our fairways with sand over the years has also helped a little. Sand irritates the skin of the earthworms causing them to go elsewhere. That is why you will not see earthworm castings on a sand based playing surface like a green or tee. Keep in mind though, earthworms are a sign of a healthy soil and they would not be here if the soil was toxic.