Thursday, March 15, 2012

Liming the golf course

Today I have a contract company in to lime the golf course. They bring in a spreader truck that is equipped with balloon tires to prevent tracking and wear. The truck can hold several tons of material which gets the job done quick.

Lime is applied to turf for a number of reasons. The main reason is to raise the soil pH. Fertilizers tend to have an acidifying effect on soil. Also, soils in the mountains tend to be very acidic to begin with. Secondly, the lime is a source of Calcium for the turf.

Interesting fact...the lime reaction in the soil is the same reaction that occurs in your stomach after you take a tums or rolaid. Calcium Carbonate reacts with the acid to yield Carbon dioxide and water. This is why you may belch after taking a Tums...the Carbon dioxide is released. Therefore, the next time you stomach is upset, dolomitic limestone will do the same as Tums!