Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday Update

We'e getting started on the left side of the cart path at #12 green.  The team is finishing up chipping brush while Chad is starting to excavate.

This beauty was found today on #13.  I estimate this Prostaff to be from the early 1970's?  If you know, shoot me an email.

We received a load of Kentucky Bluegrass today and installed that in one of several areas that were ready for turf.  The practice green surrounds are shown above.  Below, is #9.  We are still lacking about 6 pallets of Creeping Bentgrass to finish that project.

The right side of #13 cartpath is about 1/2 way complete.  We have another load of sod coming on Thursday to finish this off.

Finally, more croquet expansion photos.  This should give you a solid idea of how the lawn fits in this area.