Tuesday, December 15, 2020



We continue to widen many of the smaller creeks on the golf course that have narrowed over time.  Above,  you can see work being done on #10, below the tennis courts.

We also started cleaning up fairways that have been aerated and verticut recently.  To start the process, we "drag" the fairway with a chain link mat to break up any clumps of material or soil plugs stuck to the surface.  Loosening this material makes it very easy to blow it to the center of the fairway where it can be raked up and picked up by the staff.

There are a few areas around the course where cart path edges are impacted by perennial wear from golf cart tires.  In these areas, we recess native stone into the ground, where it can take the brunt of the cart weight, while keeping the grass around it, alive and green.

We are applying a preventative fungicide to tees to protect them from Snow Mold, a fungus that is active during cold, damp weather.  Despite the name, snow doesn't have to present to encourage snow mold growth.