Monday, June 10, 2019

Strike Guard Lightening Detection System

When the lightning detection system sounds, members and guests know to clear the golf course and other outdoor amenities.  Ever curious how this system works?  

Since we purchased this system in 2007, I installed it and have been responsible for the upkeep and preventative maintenance schedule.  This system has been very reliable and user friendly.  The picture above is the sensor that is mounted to the roof of the Clubhouse.  Technically speaking, this sensor is a 'optical coincidence' sensor.  In short, it works by detecting two things. One, the flash of light that is generated by lightning and two, the electromagnetic pulse that is also generated by lightning.  It takes both of these items into account and can then calculates how far the strike was from the golf course.  If that distance is 5 miles or less, the alarm will sound immediately.  We can program the desired distance we want the alarm to sound in 5 mile increments, up to 20 miles.

There are other systems on the market as well, but not as reliable as this system.  Another competitor of Strike Guard, is a system that measures static electricity in the air.  When the amount is conducive for lightning, the alarm sounds.  This sounds good but in reality it leads to more false alarms.

A lightning detection system is a great tool to protect golfers and others from approaching weather.  However, always use common sense when you are outdoors and while it is extremely rare due to battery back up systems, electronic equipment can fail.