Monday, March 27, 2017

Tree Management

I saw the picture below from a golf course in the Pittsburgh area.  What you see are the results of an excellent tree management program.  Note how the trees are symmetric, dense, straight and all around fine specimens.  One day, this is what I envision Highlands CC to be like.  Each tree is given room to grow, where it can reach it's full potential.  Fine turf is growing under the bases of the trees.  These trees enhance the course and add to its beauty. 

Now, you get a feel for the overcrowding of trees at Highlands CC.  The trees have no where to go, so they grow in multiple directions.  The trees all look stunted because they are competing with each other for the same nutrients.  The turf under them, if existent, is thin and sparse.  There is a lot to be said for a solid tree program.