Monday, March 27, 2017

Greening up!

You can see just how much the course is greening up in this photo.  The bent/poa in the fairways is far ahead of the Kentucky Bluegrass (KBG) in the roughs.  This time of year is what makes managing our roughs so difficult.  KBG won't start actively growing until we are hitting highs in the upper 70s.  This gives the bent/poa about a month head start to actively grow without any competition from the KBG.  This is the reason we sod 2 acres of roughs each year- to bring the dominant species back to KBG.  Ultimately it's a losing battle because within 5 years, bentgrass is the dominant species.  It's one of the perils of living in Highlands with regards to our climate.
Below, this is one of 3 cart loads of grass clippings from tees and approaches!  I'd say we are growing!  The clippings are going to be tilled into one of our beds at the Farm.