Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lake Clean-up

Team lake Clean-up!
Our lake clean up continues with great success.  I personally have started to take over the chemical applications in the lake and will be certified by September.  We've made a great effort to physically remove the weeds from the lake.  Thus far, 5 cart loads of material have been removed.  Below, you can see the apparatus I designed and built to "drag" the material out of the water.
The lake has been a challenge for one reason alone this year: It is our irrigation source and we are limited to what kind of herbicides we can put in the lake.  Remember, anything that is applied to the lake will eventually reach the irrigation intake.  Herbicides that kill weeds often kill grass too!  If this lake wasn't our irrigation source, this would be a non-issue because more effective non selective herbicides could be used.