Saturday, November 15, 2014

Carolina's GCSA Conference and Show

Monday- Wednesday, Brian, Koty and Chad are attending the Carolina's Golf Course Superintendents Association Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.  This annual even is a great networking and educational opportunity for Superintendents across the Southeast.  In fact, this show has become so popular it draws folks in from outside of the Carolinas.  After a few days of continuing education classes, the event wraps up with a Trade Show.  The trade show is a good opportunity to catch up with different reps and dealers looking to sell equipment and golf course accessories.  Equipment Tech, Paul Dalton also attends his conference that coincides with this event, the Turf Equipment Technicians Association of the Carolina's.  
Brian is a board member of the CGCSA including the Carolina's voting delegate to GCSAA and the NC Government Relations Chairman.