Tuesday, September 02, 2014

PSU Turfgrass Research


This video gives you an idea about university research and the amount of time and money it receives.  Of course, like most things these days, turf funding is decreasing.  It has been up to the private sector (companies like Bayer, Syngenta and BASF) and organizations (like Rounds for Research, which HCC is a proud participant) to supplement the funding.

The Valentine Research Center is located on the University Park Campus.  Penn State is known as the oldest, largest and most prestigious Turfgrass program in the US.  As an undergrad, I spent many mornings and afternoons (while not in class) working on these research plots.  The center is named after Rich Valentine, long time Superintendent at Merion GC in Ardmore, PA.  You can see it sits across the street from Beaver Stadium.