Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Soil tests

I am pulling soil cores from 2 greens, in addition to another tissue test, this morning to overnight to Dr. York in Pittsburgh with Tournament Turf Labs.  We will soil test twice a year.  Now is a great time to test because we are in the midst of all of our cultural practices and fertilizer applications.  Soil testing over the winter is beneficial but I feel the numbers aren't always accurate because we are not aggressively maintaining the greens at that time.  After pulling some cores, I must say I am very happy with the root system under the greens.  For late July, seeing 5" roots on Penn A4 bentgrass is pretty impressive.  There is enough clean sand under our greens that is full of good pore space, providing our root system with plenty of oxygen.  If we didn't aerify greens like we do, that valuable pore space becomes clogged up with organic matter.  The more organic matter that accumulates, decreases oxygen content and increases water holding capacity.  Simply put: wet, soft, spongy greens.