Thursday, April 03, 2014


The range is looking great after Jerry laid down some stripes on it.  That is actually a commonly asked question in this business...How do we do that?  It is quite simple.  Stripes are nothing more than how light reflects off of the turf.  Light stripes are created by the mower traveling away from you.  Dark stripes are created by the mower coming towards you.  A rotary rough mower has a rotating blade that "sucks" grass up, and then cuts it off.  A rear roller, lays it down after it has been cut.  This gives the well defines stripes on golf courses.  The more sunlight there is, the darker the stripes appear.  Simply mowing in a 'back and forth' pattern is what creates the stripes.
For the past two weeks and for the next several months, we will be focused on broadleaf weeds.  Spring is the start of the germination of summer annuals.  It is important to keep up with it!  My assistants and I all keep small containers of a three way herbicide on our carts so we are able to spray them as the pop up and not let them get out of control.  I have always been proud of HCC and the job we do with this.  I have never seen such a weed free course as HCC.