Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Bunker prep

Bunker raking and prepping is one of today's objectives.  After a winter of freeze/thawing, rain, snow and wind, the bunkers take quite a bit of work to get back to a playable condition.  I takes 2 hours to rake all of the bunkers in the season but 2 day to get them ready after a long winter. 
On another note, Christian met Monday afternoon with the director from the Highlands Biological Station  to work on our Audubon Sanctuary recertification process.  Part of this process is having an expert in the environmental field attest our facility and programs.  We initially were certified in 2003; the 13th golf course in NC to achieve such designation.  In the US, I believe we were the 60th course certified when I initially completed the program.  In 2011, we became the 3rd golf course in the US to achieve GEO certification (Golf Environmental Organization).